On Tue 05 Sep 2023 at 09:12:58 (-0600), Charles Curley wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Sep 2023 00:23:49 -0400 Maureen L Thomas wrote:
> > I keep getting messages that [iwlwifi_20230515-3] is not installed. …
> > Is it important or can I ignore it[?]  I do have wifi.

It might help if you write a little more carefully.
"I do have wifi" might mean "I know this PC has wifi
as I've used it before, but it doesn't work now", or
it could mean "I have wifi and it's working OK".

> What leads you to think you need it? Please show us the exact error
> message.
> iwlwifi refers to certain Intel wireless peripherals, wifi and
> bluetooth. If you have working wifi and bluetooth, you may not need it.
> The package in question is firmware-iwlwifi, and it is available in
> various versions for buster through sid.

(Bluetooth might require intel/ibt-… firmware.)

> Do you already have that package installed? Run
> dpkg-query --show firmware-iwlwifi
> If that shows nothing, it is not installed; if it shows the name and
> other information, it is installed.
> Furthermore, if the specific file is for sid, and you are not using
> sid, installing that file may cause compatibility problems.

It seems unlikely as there are rarely any dependencies involved.
The newer packages usually have more blob versions, but the blob
that the user requires should be identical to those contained in
older packages.


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