>> >     https://wiki.debian.org/EnvironmentVariables
>> It needs some TLC:
>> [quote]
>> 1. At the end of booting, the mother of all processes -- init -- is started.
>> 2. init runs services as described above.
>> [/quote]
>> Isn't this rather obsolete as long as systemd has been with us?
> Systemd is just an init by another name. It's process 1 and still
> is the mother of all processes.

I don't think there's a need to defend the status quo: the above page
may not be fully incorrect, but it is misleading (especially since the
`init` is given a monospace font, to suggest it's an actual program name
rather than just the name used to refer to the concept of the initial

Even saying that "At the end of boot the mother of all processes init is
started" is quite confusing, IMO: while it might be true that it happens
when the *kernel* finishes the boot, I personally tend to consider this
to be rather closer the beginning than the end of the overall
boot process.


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