On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 02:06:16PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> What I just found is /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf, which if you read it, contains
> some examples at the bottom of it, such as:
> ------------------
> #alias {
> #  interface "eth0";
> #  fixed-address;
> #  option subnet-mask;
> #}
> #lease {
> #  interface "eth0";
> #  fixed-address;
> #  medium "link0 link1";
> #  option host-name "andare.swiftmedia.com";
> #  option subnet-mask;
> #  option broadcast-address;
> #  option routers;
> #  option domain-name-servers;
> #  renew 2 2000/1/12 00:00:01;
> #  rebind 2 2000/1/12 00:00:01;
> #  expire 2 2000/1/12 00:00:01;
> #}
> ---------

I have no idea what would happen if you uncommented these things on a
system that uses dhclient.  There's a "LEASE DECLARATIONS" section in
dhclient.conf(5) that appears to discuss it, but I've never used it, and
I don't want to make statements based on an extremely brief skim of
the first paragraph.

However, now I'm even more confused.  I thought your system had dhcpcd
installed and running.  Why would it *also* have a configuration file
for dhclient?  These are two completely different DHCP client packages.
I can't imagine why dhcpcd would read this file at all.

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