On 11/01/2024 22:45, Valerio Vanni wrote:
Il 11/01/2024 16:25, Max Nikulin ha scritto:
On 11/01/2024 21:10, Valerio Vanni wrote:
valerio@newton:~$ busctl --user introspect org.mpris.kaffeine /

I assume that "org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" after "/" was lost during copy&paste.

I don't have MediaPlayer2 there.

busctl --user introspect org.mpris.kaffeine /Player
# ...
.Stop                               method    -         -            -

I have no idea if MPRIS API spec prescribes to implement /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 or /Player

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kioslave5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/kf5/kio/tags.so tags local:/run/user/1000/kaffeinerCGcGi.1.kioworker.socket

lsof, unlike ps, reports a kind of access, e.g. CWD why some file is opened.

So it is baloo (former nepomuk) search framework. A crazy idea is to add /dev to the list of directories that should not be indexed. I would try to disable baloo completely to see if behavior in respect to rmmmod changes.

Have you checked if the tags.so process opens some devices under /dev/dvb? An idea is that this process seizes its read attempts after some timeout. I would not expect it from an indexing framework. From my point of view it should read only regular files, otherwise it is a bug.

I do not know which way file tags are implemented in KDE (a hidden file inside a directory or some DB in the user home directory), so it hard to reason why baloo holds something in /dev

Maybe it is something with "recently used" (~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel), but I am unsure if kaffeine intentionally notifies desktop environment or it calls a method that is not appropriate in the context of /dev/

Finally I am confused. If tags.so processes die after some interval of time, does it mean that the kernel module can be unloaded even when kaffeine is started with --lastchannel and enough time has passed since its start?

From another message:

I see that I must leave XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, if I remove it I get an error
"Failed to connect to bus: No medium found"

I can confirm it. Actually I was asking about "$kafdis XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE", but Thunderbird broke formatting around. It has hidden notion of cited text and it affects wrapping in the case of flowed text format. E.g. "> some text" typed directly does not become a part of citation, it is necessary to paste "copy text" from clipboard using [Ctrl+Shift+O]. On the other hand "this line contains cited text" state may persist for lines having no text. Sometimes it happens during adding text between cited lines. I have not steps to reproduce suitable for bug report yet.

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