On 16/02/2024 23:35, Franco Martelli wrote:
On 16/02/24 at 03:03, Max Nikulin wrote:
     LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=it aptitude why firefox-esr

here seems to override, tested twice with "it" and "it_IT.UTF-8":

~# env LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=it script -T ~/test.time -a ~/test.script

You tested with LC_ALL=C, not with LC_ALL=C.UTF-8. It has been discussed that behavior of gettext in respect to LANGUAGE is different.

I am against "C" locale in Debian official docs since it may mangle output. I have posted it already:

LC_ALL=C ls /tmp/it/

LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 ls /tmp/it/

root@itek:~# env LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=it_IT.UTF-8 script -T ~/test.time -a ~/test.script

Again, LANGUAGE value is a list of *languages*, not a locale like for LANG or LC_*. LANGUAGE can be it:en_US:en, while this value is invalid for LC_ALL. Do not confuse these variables.

Try to add "export LC_ALL=it_IT.UTF-8" to .bashrc and e.g."date" in the script session.

Yes, the messages are localized to it_IT.UTF-8 into the "script" session, however users that have set LC_ALL variable into .bashrc I suppose already know what are they doing.

They just noticed that such variable exists and added to their configs. My colleague was bitten by LC_ALL. Is was a surprise when a database started to use "," instead of "." as decimal separator and it took enough time to find what caused drastic lost of precision. LC_ALL was set by the system administrator in ~/.bashrc.

I like the idea to *suggest* people to use English locale for upgrades if they are comfortable with it. It will help for searching web and during discussions. However I believe that a UTF-8 locale is safer and better nowadays. I hope, there is no mistakes any more:


or its equivalent for user shell executed inside "script" session. I am unsure if locale of "script" command can be an issue.

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