le Sun, 14 Jan 2007 17:16:02 +0100
joel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

> Je crois que c'est gcc4 qu'il faut avoir.


voilà ce que  j'obtiens à l'installation de vmware:

        "Configuring the VMware VmPerl Scripting API.
Could not find necessary components to build the VMware VmPerl
Scripting API. Look in your Linux distribution to see if there is a
perl-devel package. Install that package if it exists and then re-run
this installation program.

The VMware VmPerl Scripting API was not installed.  Errors encountered
during compilation and installation of the module can be found here:

You will not be able to use the "vmware-cmd" program.

Errors can be found in the log file:


Please enter your 20-character serial number.

Type XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX or 'Enter' to cancel:

You cannot power on any virtual machines until you enter a valid serial
number. To enter the serial number, run this configuration program
again, or choose 'Help > Enter Serial Number' in the virtual machine

Starting VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor                                      [  OK  ]
   Virtual ethernet                                             [  OK  ]
   Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet0                            [  OK  ]
   Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet1 (background)             [  OK  ]
   Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet8 (background)             [  OK  ]
   NAT service on /dev/vmnet8                                   [  OK  ]

The configuration of VMware Server 1.0.1 build-29996 for Linux for this
running kernel completed successfully."

est-ce gênant?

quoiqu'il en soit, je lance le truc et arrive sur "Create a new virtual

je m'arrête là, car l'aide est en anglais 8-(( disposerais-tu d'un mode
d'emploi intelligible? tu espérais une aide pour ton howto, je suis un
parfait boulet!

maurice furstoss

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