Title: Nachricht
If you can wait for some weeks we can provide an external test-program that make some content-based tests.
At the moment we have ready the first tests wich tries to identify things like HTML-only mails, subject with spaces (yes, the same as Decludes spamheaders-test) and code-numbers in subject-lines and email-adresses. 
The next test's we plan to realize are links to ip-adresses, image-links and links to cgi-scripts. There will also be a word-filter test that tries to remove any <!-- --> comments and other obscuring strings.
The external test can be configured with an inifile an returns his results as a cumulative weight to declude.
On our server it works for the last 9 days without any problem. During stress-tests on our server we do not notice appreciable more cpu-usage (with the current working tests)
This external test will be free for all.
In the next days I will provide a test-version in the list.

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