At 08:53 PM 12/10/2003, you wrote:
Still trying to digest all the info.

> begin with.  Maybe it might be useful to have a conversation about
> alternative uses for such a program?  I'm definitely interested in
> sharing some whitelists and blacklists based on the above stated
> criteria, but only if we could all agree on definitions, processes, and
> can be responsible.  The only individual IP's that I whitelist are yours

FYI, we need to have a serious discussion not on a public forum about
sharing/posting of filters and such. I am really concerned that spammers can
easily get a hold of the information we talk about and use that to get
around the very things we are trying to do.

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I agree that some things should be kept as private as possible - and that it might be best not to share those things not on a list but rather more directly.

On the other hand, the cryptographer in me is reminded that obscurity is not security - in other words, the best solution is one that works even if everything about it is in the open. If that turns out not to be the case with this, then the solution still needs a lot more work. Any solution that requires secrecy will be some combination of: little benefit, difficult to impossible to deploy, and/or easy to compromise once discovered.


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