I just came across the following block:

This belongs to iVillage, and it includes Astrology.com as well as spam sources webstakes.com and twnailsvc.com. Webstakes.com has a different postal address from iVillage, but twnailsvc.com is registered to the same exact address. Clearly iVillage is spamming, and using different identities to hide from responsibility.

Now the conundrum. Obviously they are a mixture of legit and illegit, and a very popular site. I've been counterbalancing Astrology.com in order to allow them through our system, however, I'm starting to wonder if this is wise after discovering this. I read their privacy policy, and there's nothing private about it...they share all the information that you provide with third parties.

I'm not sure how to handle this. Consider it Malware and delete on site? Does anyone know if they deliver first-party/identified messages from a separate address block than the one above?


BTW, Josh, regardless of that RFC, you can't currently register a domain name with an underscore, at least not a dot-com or dot-net. The fact that Microsoft wrote that RFC makes it circumspect :)

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