Hi David;

Thanks for the tip on the resource directory, never thought of looking there, altho would be good to restore the link in your KB as well.

I would also like to respond to your reply to others in the thread in which you state that it is not productive to have to repeatedly address the same issue.  I would respond as a customer by telling you that we spend a significant amount of our time addressing customer complaints.  I know that ourselves, and I am sure many others are not in a position to delete email messages, but need to mark them to give users the ability to create and maintain their own filters.  So our pain becomes your pain.

So, if our customers are getting hammered on this issue every day and every week, and folks want to know why spam that you are identifying is not being marked as spam, I'd sure like to know an elegant answer to give them other than "it doesn't work and is being worked on".  I personally get at least 10-20 of these a day, so I get 10 - 20 reminders that I am unhappy.

I am not trying to beat up on you or Declude, we have been a customer for many years, and wish to remain so.  I'm sure that it will be some work to solve the problem as it is a non trivial task. However, what do you expect us to do, go quietly into the night?  There are two ways to stop getting questions on this subject.

1. Fix the problem and get kudos instead of complaints.
 2. Give a real expected date to address the issue and tell us where in the task stack the issue is.  The we can either wait or go elsewhere if the timing on the issue is not going to work for us.

Last point, on contacting Smartermail in our case, or Imail in other cases.  What we would be asking them to do is not deliver messages that they, Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, and I would guess most every other mail server and email client handle somehow.  Non RFC complaint mail is part of the environment, I don't think that that is really the way to go.

My goal is not to discourage you, or pick on yourself and Declude, but to get the issue addressed.  Wouldn't it be great to cross this item off your list :)

Take care,


David Barker wrote:

1. This is currently being worked on, there are several other things that
need to be taken into account when doing this, for example if Declude has to
rewrite all me messages in order to correct this problem there will be a hit
on performance. We are also looking at some other alternatives. Any
suggestions are welcome.

2. This is not as simple as having these type of messages fail a test as
there are too many variables in play wrt line terminators.

3. In your \Declude folder there should be a \Resources folder which has the
latest config files.

David B

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Herb
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 11:22 AM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] declude not modifying subject line

Hi David;

In an earlier message (below) you mentioned that you were working on adding
the ability to handle these malformed messages.

A couple questions.

1. When will this happen as it has been a problem for quite a while now?

2. The messages themselves are not failing any of the tests that I am using.
Shouldn't we at least be able to have them fail a test and then take an
action based on that?

Also, I want to make sure that all of my config files are correct, and that
I do not have any depreciated tests in them.  When I go to the online
manuals on your site, the links to the "tests" are broken, and I cannot find
samples of the config files.  Can you tell me where they are, and perhaps
update the links in the KB so that they do point to them?



David Barker wrote:
Agreed Andy.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
Andy Schmidt
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 10:31 AM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] declude not modifying subject line

Hi David:

Pardon me - but lets not forget that we choose to pay Declude license 
and maintenance fees, precisely because of its claim of being superior 
in detecting viruses, vulnerabilities and RFC violations that other 
components are known to letting through.

When your business model is based on the premise that you will be 
closing the holes that other components leave, then Declude cannot 
retreat behind an argument that you are "only as defect as the other
Clearly, if Imail/Smartermail did act appropriately and offered all 
the features it should, then you wouldn't have a customer base in the 
first place.

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206 

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
David Barker
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 10:02 AM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] declude not modifying subject line


I need to clarify something here. This source of this problem is that 
these messages do not conform to the RFC's and are extremely broken 
and should not be accepted by the mail server in the first place. That 
is the source of the problem, Declude is showing the symptom. Have you 
approached SmarterMail/Imail and asked them to fix this issue, either 
not accept the message or apply message standardization ? What was their
response ?
With that said, we are working on correcting this problem because 
clearly the Mail server is not doing it.

Secondly, there are alternatives to marking the Subject line and 
having the mail server take action based on the headers. You could use
actions like.
# MAILBOX  will move the E-mail to a user's folder (no, not a Windows
# ROUTETO will re-route the E-mail to an alternate address # HOLD will 
hold the message in the spool\spam directory.

David B

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Herb Guenther
Lanex, LLC
(262)789-0966x102 Office
(262)780-0424 Direct

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