That actually was a feature already built by someone many moons ago.  He was / 
is a Declude user.  It used to be listed on the declude site.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Barker []
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 7:49 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Idea for new Declude add-on

Great idea Dave thanks. Question. If a user emails a recipient in what scenario 
would we not want to whitelist the recipients address ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Beckstrom []
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:45 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Idea for new Declude add-on

I have an idea for something I think would be a useful add-on for declude. 

Every time someone sends an outbound SMTP email to someone, the add-on would
add an entry to a filter giving the recipient's "to" address a weight of
minus one.  Therefore, giving the recipient a credit.  Any time the
recipient sends an email to my server, minus one gets subtracted from the
total score of their email.

If a user on my server sends a second email to the same recipient, another
minus one credit is added to the filter.  Now that recipient has a credit of
minus two.

The add-on would be configurable to limit the maximum credit a single
address could reach.  It would also have an exclusion ability where you
could enter a list of email addresses that would never receive any credit.

The idea being that the more frequently you email someone, the less likely
that email from them would be spam.

I know some will argue that "from" addresses can be forged and that perhaps
its not a good idea to give credit based on a "from" address.  But its not
very often at all I ever receive a spam that came from a friend's forged
"from" address.  I think something along the lines of this type of system
could be useful.

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