Ah ... this is getting more interesting ... what constitutes a Windows
call-back routine? Do windows messages (ie those WM_* messages) count?

My main data module has a couple of procedures that are called from various
forms, and these procedures post (WM_User + ??) messages back to the calling
forms, which in turn process the messages. Are these causing the problem?


-----Original Message-----
From: Leon Raj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 4:12 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject: RE: [DUG]: Built on NT, deploy on Win95

Hi !

You don't need to use absolute addresses to make you EXE non-
relocatable.  If you have some Windows call-back routines, e.g.
multimedia timer call-backs, or even in the TListView (?) these 
will (may ?) need to be located in a non-relocatable segment.  

This is so that Windows doesn't try to swap it to disk (virtual 
memory).  Normally though, these call-backs should reside in a DLL, 
but I believe you mentioned that you had only one EXE, no DLL's, 
hmm . . . interesting !

A corrupt EXE could also be the cause of the problem. :-)


Leon Raj                  Private email  (NZ):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the "Kiwi Viking"         Private email (FIN): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jyska, FINLAND                  (formerly of Auckland, NEW ZEALAND)
    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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