----- Original Message -----
From: Neven MacEwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You guys are a bunch on pedants!
> Free as in MSDE has got to be better than dBase/Paradox/Jet......
> DB2 Cant be that bad

Ooohhh, thems fightin' words !  :-)
By golly, where shall we start ?

> "...MSDE has got to be better than dBase/Paradox/Jet......"

Depends what you want to do doesn't it. After all, even MySQL has it's place
(don't hit me Nic :-), and it's actually pretty much identical to the role
that DBase / Paradox has.

> DB2 Cant be that bad

Man, I can't believe you said that (unless you were trying to rile us up,
you stirrer).  :-)
I have to admit I've never used it, so I'm not going to venture an opinion
about its usefulness, etc.
However, I have yet to find any database (regardless of size) that hasn't
had me or someone I know tearing at their hair for one reason or another.
"Can't be that bad" is one of those phrases that rates right up there with
Nevelle Chamberlains claim ( after meeting Hitler just before WWII ) that he
had succeeded in obtaining "Peace in our time" (the blind, dopey bozo). As
much as I'd like to believe it (or even give it the benefit of the doubt) my
experience tells me that any such product could indeed be "that bad", and
possibly even worse (on the grounds that you may not find the fatal flaw
until after the application has been deployed and running for six months).


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