> You guys are a bunch on pedants!

yes, but not as bad as the "people" on slashdot, tho.... :)

> Free as in MSDE has got to be better than dBase/Paradox/Jet......

the product is better, BUT you have to either buy 1100$ worth of Office 2000
PER USER or however much an office 2000 developer "pack" is, which I'm
guessing is more.

That is definatly NOT free.Not as in beer or as in speech, which personally,
I dont either way about - as long as, if the developer/company says its
free, I dont have to pay for it. If they say "it costs X", and I use it,
I'll pay. The GPL is highly overrated.

> DB2 Cant be that bad

Its from IBM - wanna bet?


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