On Wed, 2018-03-28 at 09:23 -0500, Jeremiah Benham wrote:
> There is a GNU/Linux AppImage here:
> http://denemo.org/~jjbenham/AppImage/denemo_2.2.3.AppImage
I tested this on my Debian Stable and it worked fine.

> It does not have any of the dependencies in the image. Should I
> package lilypond and all the dependencies even if they are in each
> distro anyway?
I think it would be good to offer the slim AppImage package which will
work with  (most) current distros *plus* (at least for releases) a
package with all dependencies which will continue to work when the
distros move onto versions of libraries that break Denemo. That is,
people can always find a version that will work forever, even though it
runs to a few hundred Mb.


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