On Sun, 2018-04-08 at 20:35 -0400, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
> > No, the glyphs are all contained in a font file somewhere in the
> > system. Each glyph has a name (such
> > as accidentals.sharp.slashslashslash.stem) which Denemo can use to
> > display the glyph in the Denemo Display.
> You say, "system" = Denemo?

Well, when LilyPond fetches them they are from the fonts it has
installed in the file system, Denemo uses its own copy shipped with
Denemo and depending on how it is installed this may end up at
C:\Windows\Fonts or in D:\denemo\share\denemo\fonts or something like
that. In any case, in the filesystem somewhere.


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