Just found out why; the display is forced wide as I have too wide a General Pallette; I've lazily added too many buttons!


On 20/08/2019 14:26, Joe Wilkinson wrote:

would be nice if in my Windows (10) version, the Opening window did not default to a size that was too wide for the display

On 20/08/2019 12:07, Lib Lists wrote:
On Mon, 19 Aug 2019 at 18:56, Richard Shann<rich...@rshann.plus.com>  wrote:
On Mon, 2019-08-19 at 17:32 +0200, Lib Lists wrote:
On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 13:22, Richard Shann<rich...@rshann.plus.com>
On Tue, 2019-08-13 at 10:56 +0200, Lib Lists wrote:
How did you try to close it? The only way that will surely work
use the View menu - anything else depends on the what the
manager decides to do - in this case it seems it is iconizing
I just tried from the View menu (by unchecking 'Typeset Music'),
the Print View window reappears as soon as I type and confirm
something in a pop-up window. Also, when I relaunch Denemo the
View window appears, even if it was closed before closing Denemo.
The View window should only reappear on start up only if the
Typesetting was set when Denemo was shutdown. You can check this by
looking at the file .denemo-2.2.0/denemorc which will contain an


if continuous typesetting was unset or


if continuous typesetting was set.

Do both of the symptoms you describe occur when Continuous
is off? That would, indeed be bizarre...
Hi, when I restart Denemo with Continuous Typesetting Off the Print
View window doesn't appear. Unfortunately it comes back as soon as I
type something in a pop-up.
This sounds quite bizarre. As a final check, can you open the Scheme
Window and put


in the CLI box and press Enter to execute it. When enter something in
the dialog that pops up and press return does the Print View appear?
No additional code should be executed at that point - the value is just
being discarded, so nothing should happen.
Hi, just tried, the Print View appears.

I think the only way to make progress would be to use a debugger to
find out how this is coming about - do you have gdb installed on your
No, and it seems quite difficult to install it on a mac. However, I
have lldb installed. I'd like to try with it before going through gdb
Could you give me some hints on how to proceed?

  In that case the Print View is grey, i.e.
there's no score (obviously) but still it comes back to focus on the
foreground, on top of the Denemo Display. Also, the Print View window
doesn't remember its position when restarting Denemo, but it always
comes back on the left-hand side. Is that the intended behaviour?
The print view does come back centered if it has been left in
Continuous Typesetting, I think ideally all windows would remember
where they were positioned the last time Denemo was shut down.
In my case the Print View appears always at the upper-left corner.
It'd be nice if the windows would remember their position and size.



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