I don't want to get too distracted from the core focus on implementing a
functional site, but I just wanted to share my thoughts briefly.


There's just so much LIFE, sense of engagement that the current final
draft is missing. That first draft is too hard to tell what is going on
with the paths that go side to side and back into the picture. But there
are three elements I really like:

* the more high piled snow that makes it seem a little more substantial
* the twin pines that are both aesthetically nice, engaging, and nice
metaphor of the classic co-op twin pines
* the vague shadowed sense of stuff off in the distance left to the

In comparison,

Is clear, focused, tons of improvements. However, everything is a bit
flat now. It doesn't show a snowDRIFT, it just shows fallen snow. A
drift is when the snow piles up because the wind has made it all pile up
more. I miss the slight sense of piled up snow and more substantial

The landscape overall feels like barren wasteland. We're in the tundra,
in some desolate town in Siberia. This could be solved if we had more
shadowed distant buildings and such off in the far distance, a whole
potential destination that people can imagine getting to eventually. And
I want more trees, lots of trees, I want the sense that I'm in a
temperate area with trees, like where people actually live, not in the
tundra. It just needs distant forests, and bring back the twin pines.
It's very common to have trees along a street. Some sense of that will
actually *frame* the focus rather than distract from it.


* more trees in distance and throughout landscape, esp. the twin pines
on each side
* more fuzzy destination with more houses (not a couple who lives in the
tundra, but regular folks in a social setting)
* slightly improved sense of snow having piled up, lots to clear

I think these elements would really solidify the image.


Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
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