On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 21:04 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:

> > > And there are over 80 opened bugs against the Totem GStreamer backend,
> > > most of them should be either fixed in Totem, reassigned to GStreamer,
> > > or put on NEEDINFO (against 20 for the xine-lib backend).
> > 
> > Of those 80 most are from the 0.8 days. And they illustrate the problem
> > with nobody working on the 0.8 stuff anymore.
> So, can we hope that some of you (Tim?) will triage those bugs soon?
> Because for me, it doesn't illustrate the problem that nobody's working
> on 0.8 but it does illustrate that nobody's triaging totem-gstreamer
> bugs.

It probably illustrates both.

I have been asked to keep 0.8 backend bugs that are theoretically
fixable in 0.8 open, and everything is theoretically fixable.

Personally, I have neither time nor much interest in working on 0.8
issues at this point. I do watch bugzilla for 0.10 issues and triage
them and aim to resolve them, so it's not so that gstreamer backend bugs
aren't triaged in general. I'd be happy to help triage old 0.8 bugs once
it's agreed that 0.10 is the way forward though.


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