Le vendredi 29 septembre 2006 à 10:56 -0400, Matthias Clasen a écrit :
> This is a bit of misinformation. gamin works fine on my nfs home directory.

But it works by polling, while fam queries the remote fam server which
is notified by dnotify.

> Also gnome-menus _could_ use gnome-vfs to do its monitoring, but
> Mark did not want to add such a heavy dependency just for file monitoring.

For a GNOME system, gamin is a heavier dependency than gnome-vfs.

> And besides, gnome-vfs and gamin use identical inotify code, so it is
> hard to see what would be improved by using one over the other...

How about... a working desktop? Gamin is responsible for bugs in
gnome-menus where the menu becomes empty. This doesn't happen when using
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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