On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 02:04 +0200, Florian Boucault wrote:
> Hello!
> Pigment should be taken into account and not be dropped because it's
> Python-only since it is not. Here is a C example of a Cairo sphere
> rendered on a Pigment drawable:
> https://code.fluendo.com/pigment/trac/browser/trunk/pigment/examples/sphere.c

far from me to detract from Pigment (I recently saw it's growing a GLES
backend), while the Python API is very nice, the C API is nowhere as
nice as Clutter's; its entire animation framework and item manipulation
is done inside an high level language, while the C layer must manipulate
matrices which is very GL-like; and if I wanted to wrap it in, let's
say, Perl I'd have to reimplement it all. while this might be good for a
low level library like D-Bus, where syntactic sugar should hide the gory
details of the marshalling and demarshalling of data, I'm not as sure
that a canvas should work the same way (I'm talking here as a bindings
and an application developer, not as a Clutter developer).


Emmanuele Bassi,
W: http://www.emmanuelebassi.net
B: http://log.emmanuelebassi.net

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