On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 9:21 AM, Florian Max <florian.muell...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Emily Gonyer <emilyyr...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Then the design team ought to be more open about what exactly 'their'
>> vision for gnome is, as well as open to other ideas/concepts. Insisting on
>> doing things their way, while being extremely vague as to what exactly
>> their way *is* is not helpful to the rest of the community who is trying to
>> get stuff done.
> First: the design team is very much trying to get stuff done, just like
> the "rest of the community". In fact, the design team is incredibly small
> (ergo: overworked). We have an extremely ambitious goal of creating an
> operating system, with just a handful of people doing design work towards
> that goal - compare that to the resources the likes of Apple or Microsoft
> put into their products to get an idea of the workload our folks have. I
> certainly have seen maintainers asking for design help on #gnome-design
> being turned down because no designer had any time to spend on
> yet-another-module.

I think we have a bit of a problem.  Our core team has gotten smaller and
thus overworked.  Because of that they don't have that kind of time to do
community management.  I would even say that some of you are kinda grumpy.

We really need to grow the number of good quality coders.  Things like
creating a lower bar of entry to code on GNOME is one aspect of an overall
problem of getting new blood.  It's why we have a perception of companies
running the joint rather than a community.

GNOME as a project needs to concentrate on bringing in new volunteers so
that we can expand the core team.

> Which brings us to the matter of openness: the results of everything the
> design team does ends up on the GNOME wiki under live.gnome.org/Design.
> Of course it would be really fancy if the wiki also contained the reasoning
> behind decisions, but let's face it -

Shaun opened up a new thread on this, I will pen my thoughts there.

Great thoughts, Florian.  Thanks.
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