​1. It is saving the values in OXID. what I am trying to say is that the
transfer from ERP to OXID does happen as I posted the SOAP Response, I get
the Posted Article ID and blResult is true and I see the article in OXID
Backend. But I only the Price is not being saved. Because all the Price
fields in OXID are empty. I assume the ERP is not sending the correct
request, meaning it is not sending the price in the correct parameter.

For that I wanted to check the log​s but there is another problem with
logs. The logs of the ERP Module, only prints the RESPONSE in erp.log file
and not the REQEUST so I cannot varify my hypothesis that the ERP is
sending wrong REQUEST.

Therefore at first, I need to fix the Logging Problem of ERP Connector. Has
anyone a suggestion there ?????

2. With image transfer, thats what I thought, that the ERP Connector only
saves the DB Fields values such as pic name in oxpic fields but not
actually transfers the image file. For that I will have to write a routine
that uploads the images to the correct directories. I just wanted to be
sure, not that I have missed something in configuration of ERP Module.

I will be grateful if someone can help me out with the Logging problem.


*Mit freundlichen Grüßen | **Warm Regards**,*

Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad
M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 7:36 PM, Michael Bladowski <mbladow...@macropage.de>

> dear mirza,
> Am 11.07.2016 um 18:29 schrieb Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad:
> Hi Guys,
> I have a Shop version EE 5.2.7. I have also installed the ERP
> Connector MOD_ERP_2.14.1_OXID_ESHOP_EE_5.2.1_4.9.1_for_PHP5.6
> I have 2 issues that I am facing.
> 1. The Product Price is not being transfered to oxid shop. I am getting
> back a response with Product OXID and blResult as true in return.
> if the values are changed in DB but not at the frontend, clear (the
> front-end) cache, if you are using one.
> if the values are not changed in DB, i guess the request itself has an
> error, wrong format, wrong oxid, unwanted
> chars inside request, there are many things, did you test it with any
> other field than price ? before you use php
> (or any other coding lang) i recommend to setup a working call with soapui
> <https://www.soapui.org/downloads/soapui.html>, to be 100% sure your
> problems are
> not realted to the shop.
> 2. Issue is more a How To Question....How can I transfer the images of
> products and categories. via ERP SetArticle method image names can be sent
> to shop but the image file, how can it be transfered on the server. The ERP
> that is being used is "Comarch-ERP" there you can give the FTP Username
> and password where the files can be uploaded but in OXID all the master
> paths for product and categories are different so thats why I am unable to
> transfer the product images.
> i don´t know all the specs about the latest oxid, but for me the best
> solution has always been, NOT using the ERP api.
> as i know the ERP api, its only for changing DB data, nothing that is
> related to the filesystem (okay, if you delete an item, the images get
> deleted, but
> i don´t speak about internal things like that) ;) i don´t know whats best
> practise but i always try to keep the images on the server before i make any
> ERP api calls, make sure the images are already there inside the correct
> directories, copy via ftp, scp, ssh, what ever makes sense in your case.
> btw... it should be possible to extend the ERP api with a self written
> module to send the raw image within the SetArticle call, but for me that
> makes no sense because the webserver would need to handle more data as is
> should. i would recommend to make a seperate process, that copies
> your images to the server whenever changes happen to them.
> bets wishes,
> micha
> --
> Michael Bladowski
> Hauptstrasse 84D - 93105 Tegernheim - Mobil: 
> 0179-2301067mbladow...@macropage.de - http://i.am.a.php-api.expert
> Regensburg HRA 7490 - Finanzamt Regensburg DE 210758353
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