Did you try asking OXID support? Cause this mailing list is not a support 

Von: dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org 
[mailto:dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org] Im Auftrag von Mirza Ahtasham 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016 20:30
An: dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org
Betreff: Re: [oxid-dev-general] ERP Module Issues


Can nobody help me regarding ERP Logging?? Anyone from OXID Guys ?? Atleast 
anyone from OXID should help regarding their ERP Connector. It says in docs...

ERP version 2.10.0 and higher has SOAP communication debugging possibility 
implemented. It enables logging of full SOAP requests and responses by adding 
the following configuration constant to shop’s config.inc.php file:

but it is only logging the RESPONSE and not REQUEST.

Without the REQUEST Log I cannot debug my issue that I am having.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Warm Regards,

Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad
M +4917645387460 | Skype: ahtasham82

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Reinhard Vogl 
<reinhard.v...@deutschedaten.de<mailto:reinhard.v...@deutschedaten.de>> wrote:

Idea for 1.)
Can you look for your Mall settings?
If you enabled the option “Indiv. Preis für vererbte Artikel erlauben”, the 
prices are stored in the table oxfield2shop.
Be sure, that you need individual process for inheritance, because it slows 
down ERP import a lot.

2.) rsync is your friend


 Im Auftrag von Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Juli 2016 09:26
An: dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org<mailto:dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org>
Betreff: Re: [oxid-dev-general] ERP Module Issues

​1. It is saving the values in OXID. what I am trying to say is that the 
transfer from ERP to OXID does happen as I posted the SOAP Response, I get the 
Posted Article ID and blResult is true and I see the article in OXID Backend. 
But I only the Price is not being saved. Because all the Price fields in OXID 
are empty. I assume the ERP is not sending the correct request, meaning it is 
not sending the price in the correct parameter.

For that I wanted to check the log​s but there is another problem with logs. 
The logs of the ERP Module, only prints the RESPONSE in erp.log file and not 
the REQEUST so I cannot varify my hypothesis that the ERP is sending wrong 

Therefore at first, I need to fix the Logging Problem of ERP Connector. Has 
anyone a suggestion there ?????

2. With image transfer, thats what I thought, that the ERP Connector only saves 
the DB Fields values such as pic name in oxpic fields but not actually 
transfers the image file. For that I will have to write a routine that uploads 
the images to the correct directories. I just wanted to be sure, not that I 
have missed something in configuration of ERP Module. Thanks.

I will be grateful if someone can help me out with the Logging problem.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Warm Regards,

Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad
M +4917645387460<tel:%2B4917645387460> | Skype: ahtasham82

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 7:36 PM, Michael Bladowski 
<mbladow...@macropage.de<mailto:mbladow...@macropage.de>> wrote:
dear mirza,
Am 11.07.2016 um 18:29 schrieb Mirza Ahtasham Ahmad:
Hi Guys,

I have a Shop version EE 5.2.7. I have also installed the ERP Connector 

I have 2 issues that I am facing.

1. The Product Price is not being transfered to oxid shop. I am getting back a 
response with Product OXID and blResult as true in return.

if the values are changed in DB but not at the frontend, clear (the front-end) 
cache, if you are using one.
if the values are not changed in DB, i guess the request itself has an error, 
wrong format, wrong oxid, unwanted
chars inside request, there are many things, did you test it with any other 
field than price ? before you use php
(or any other coding lang) i recommend to setup a working call with 
soapui<https://www.soapui.org/downloads/soapui.html>, to be 100% sure your 
problems are
not realted to the shop.

2. Issue is more a How To Question....How can I transfer the images of products 
and categories. via ERP SetArticle method image names can be sent to shop but 
the image file, how can it be transfered on the server. The ERP that is being 
used is "Comarch-ERP" there you can give the FTP Username and password where 
the files can be uploaded but in OXID all the master paths for product and 
categories are different so thats why I am unable to transfer the product 

i don´t know all the specs about the latest oxid, but for me the best solution 
has always been, NOT using the ERP api.
as i know the ERP api, its only for changing DB data, nothing that is related 
to the filesystem (okay, if you delete an item, the images get deleted, but
i don´t speak about internal things like that) ;) i don´t know whats best 
practise but i always try to keep the images on the server before i make any
ERP api calls, make sure the images are already there inside the correct 
directories, copy via ftp, scp, ssh, what ever makes sense in your case.
btw... it should be possible to extend the ERP api with a self written module 
to send the raw image within the SetArticle call, but for me that
makes no sense because the webserver would need to handle more data as is 
should. i would recommend to make a seperate process, that copies
your images to the server whenever changes happen to them.

bets wishes,


Michael Bladowski

Hauptstrasse 84D - 93105 Tegernheim - Mobil: 0179-2301067<tel:0179-2301067>

mbladow...@macropage.de<mailto:mbladow...@macropage.de> - 

Regensburg HRA 7490 - Finanzamt Regensburg DE 210758353

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