Hi All,

For Firefox OS, we are getting requests from partners to add tokens to
the UA string which identify the hardware device on which Firefox OS
is running.

There are at least reasons for this:

* Some content providers strike deals with hardware manufacturers
which allow devices made by the manufacturer to access content for
free. One way that this is implemented is by looking for tokens in UA
strings and serve content based on this. This is obviously terribly
insecure and easy to spoof, however the hurdle is large enough that
this is a "good enough" solution in many cases. I.e. the cost of
developing a more secure solution, and the cost of losing users due to
having to ask them to enter passwords etc is higher than the lost
revenue due to people hacking the system by changing their UA string.

* App stores only want to deliver applications to devices which they
know will run on the device. Today many stores in our target market
(Brazil) apparently do this by looking at hardware tokens in UA
strings. This is a scenario where we strongly want people to do
capability checking by using the DOM for reasons that we are all way
too familiar with. However this isn't what stores do today and so we
would have to convince them to switch to this system. Additionally
capability checking isn't always perfect, since currently it's hard to
detect performance metrics.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to receive any concrete examples of
either of these. Hence it's hard to evaluate the tangible benefits.

However this apparently is a pretty wide-spread pattern in existing
mobile devices. I don't have any hard data on how much this is done,
but I did receive two examples:

This is the UA sent by IE browser on a HTC device:
Mozilla/5.0(compatible; MSIE 9.0;Windows phone OS 7.5; Trident/5.0;
IEMobile/9.0; HTC; HD7 T9292)
Here "HTC" is a token to identify the hardware manufacturer and "HD7
T9292" is a token which identifies the device.

UA sent by a built in browser on a Samsung Galaxy device:
Mozilla/5.0(Linux; U; Android 2.3.6;es-es; GT-S5830i
Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0
Mobile Safari/533.1
Here "GT-S5830i" identifies the device.

Let me know what you think.

/ Jonas
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