2012/9/13 Nicholas Nethercote <n.netherc...@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:
>> * Some content providers strike deals with hardware manufacturers
>> which allow devices made by the manufacturer to access content for
>> free. One way that this is implemented is by looking for tokens in UA
>> strings and serve content based on this.
> I think this is the worst abuse of a UA string I've ever heard of.

This. Also, there is a precedent in the WebGL strings that may be
worth recalling here.

OpenGL exposes some strings, giving the GPU model, vendor name, and
precise driver version. Application developers repeatedly said they
wanted us to expose these through WebGL. At some point, the WebGL spec
called for these strings to be exposed. We argued against this for the
following reasons:

 1. any UA-string-like solution is known to give more trouble than it
solves in practice, with applications mis-parsing them or becoming
overly reliant on accidental details of these strings, creating
artificial portability issues.

 2. there are privacy issues with this too, both explicit (what you
point out above) and implicit (increasing the number of
uniquely-identifying bits is never great, needs to be justified).

In the end we won this "battle" and the WebGL spec no longer calls for
exposing this info.

That doesn't mean that the application developers' problem wasn't
legitimate, but there should exist better solutions to it: solutions
that don't rely on the fragile parsing of a string and that don't
expose more personal information than is strictly needed.

Again, that was a digression on the WebGL precedent --- hope that was
not too off-topic.


> Nick
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