In case anyones' eyes glazed over reading my last post, here's my reduced

1)  How do we want this to work going forward for chrome touching content?

|obj instanceof Node| should return true.

> 2)  How do we want this to work going forward for web pages touching other
> web pages?

|obj instanceof Node| should return false until the standards community
decides something to the contrary and specs it.

> 3)  Can we make #1 and #2 look identical?


> 3)  If #2 doesn't match what WebIDL/ES5 does right now, can we get the
> relevant specs and other UAs to align with what we want?

See (2). I'm in favor of Mozilla taking the back seat on this one - I'm
happy to implement it if other vendors are pushing for it, but think we
have bigger things to be pushing for ourselves.

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