On 5/2/2013 4:13 PM, Lawrence Mandel wrote:

----- Original Message -----
Great post, Taras!

Per IRC conversations, we'd like to move subsequent discussion of
actions into a meeting so we can more quickly arrive at a resolution.

Please meet in Gregory Szorc's Vidyo Room at 1400 PDT Tuesday, April
That's 2200 UTC. Apologies to the European and east coast crowds. If
you'll miss it because it's too late, let me know and I'll consider
moving it.

Did someone post a summary of this meeting? Is there a link to share?

Notes at https://etherpad.mozilla.org/storage-in-gecko

We seemed to converge on a (presumably C++-based) storage service that has named branches/buckets with specific consistency, flushing, etc guarantees. Clients would obtain a handle on a "branch," and perform basic I/O operations, including transactions. Branches could be created ad-hoc at run-time. So add-ons could obtain their own storage namespace with the storage guarantees of their choosing. Under the hood storage would be isolated so failures in one component wouldn't affect everybody.

We didn't have enough time to get into prototyping or figuring out who would implement it.

Going forward, I'm not sure who should own this initiative on a technical level. In classical Mozilla fashion the person who brings it up is responsible. That would be me. However, I haven't written a single line of C++ for Firefox and I have serious doubts I'd be effective. Perhaps we should talk about it at the next Platform meeting.
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