On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 08:56:37PM +0100, Andreas Gal wrote:
> This randomly reminds me that it might be time to review zip as our
> compression format for omni.ja.
> ls -l omni.ja 
> 7862939
> ls -l omni.tar.xz (tar and then xz -z)
> 4814416
> LZMA2 is available as a public domain implementation. It uses a bit
> more memory than zip, but its still within reason (the default level 6
> is around 1MB to decode I believe). A fairly easy way to use it would
> be to add support for a custom compression format for our version of
> libjar.

IIRC, it's also slower both to compress and decompress. Note you're
comparing oranges with apples, too.
Jars are per-file compression. tar.xz is per-archive compression.
This is what i get:

$ stat -c %s ../omni.ja

$ unzip -q ../omni.ja
$ find -type f -not -name *.xz | while read f; do a=$(stat -c %s $f); xz --keep 
-z $f; b=$(stat -c %s $f.xz); if [ "$a" -lt "$b" ]; then rm $f.xz; else rm $f; 
fi; done
# The above compresses each file individually, and keeps either the
# decompressed file of the compressed file depending which is smaller,
# which is essentially what we do when creating omni.ja

$ find -type f | while read f; do stat -c %s $f; done | awk '{t+=$1}END{print 
# Sum all file sizes, excluding directories that du would add.

That is, obviously, without jar headers.
$ unzip -lv ../omni.ja 2>/dev/null | tail -1
27696753          8260243  70%                            2068 files
$ echo $((8609399 - 8260243))

Thus, that same omni.ja that is 8609399, with xz compression would be
7884983. Not much of a win, and i doubt it's worth it considering the
runtime implication.

However, there is probably room for improvement on the installer side.

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