On 2/27/2014, 12:30 AM, Axel Hecht wrote:
The feature of zip we want is the index, that let's us seek to a
position in the bundle and start unpacking, just given the filename.

How hard is to actually create a datastructure for the same purpose for
a tar.xz or so? I don't know really anything about the uncompression
algorithms to know if we could do something like
- seek to position N in bundle
- set state to X, if applicable
- uncompress, skip M bytes
-- you get your file contents, L bytes long

Or so. Yes, it'd be a new file format, I guess, at least as far as I can
tell? Maybe it's worth it.

Big -1 to a new format. glandium's testing earlier in this thread was made trivial by the fact that we're using zip and other standard formats; that kind of tooling is the first thing to go when we introduce a custom format. As an Android developer particularly interested in packaging, I inspect and rebuild omni.ja with a whole bunch of different tools.

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