Could we compress major parts of omni.ja en block? We could for example stick 
all JS we load at startup into a zip with zero compression and then compress 
that into an outer zip. I think we already support nested containers like that. 
Assuming your math is correct even without adding LZMA2 just sticking with zip 
we should get better compression and likely better load times. Wdyt?


On Feb 27, 2014, at 12:25 AM, Mike Hommey <> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 08:56:37PM +0100, Andreas Gal wrote:
>> This randomly reminds me that it might be time to review zip as our
>> compression format for omni.ja.
>> ls -l omni.ja 
>> 7862939
>> ls -l omni.tar.xz (tar and then xz -z)
>> 4814416
>> LZMA2 is available as a public domain implementation. It uses a bit
>> more memory than zip, but its still within reason (the default level 6
>> is around 1MB to decode I believe). A fairly easy way to use it would
>> be to add support for a custom compression format for our version of
>> libjar.
> IIRC, it's also slower both to compress and decompress. Note you're
> comparing oranges with apples, too.
> Jars are per-file compression. tar.xz is per-archive compression.
> This is what i get:
> $ stat -c %s ../omni.ja
> 8609399
> $ unzip -q ../omni.ja
> $ find -type f -not -name *.xz | while read f; do a=$(stat -c %s $f); xz 
> --keep -z $f; b=$(stat -c %s $f.xz); if [ "$a" -lt "$b" ]; then rm $f.xz; 
> else rm $f; fi; done
> # The above compresses each file individually, and keeps either the
> # decompressed file of the compressed file depending which is smaller,
> # which is essentially what we do when creating omni.ja
> $ find -type f | while read f; do stat -c %s $f; done | awk '{t+=$1}END{print 
> t}'
> # Sum all file sizes, excluding directories that du would add.
> 7535827
> That is, obviously, without jar headers.
> $ unzip -lv ../omni.ja 2>/dev/null | tail -1
> 27696753          8260243  70%                            2068 files
> $ echo $((8609399 - 8260243))
> 349156
> Thus, that same omni.ja that is 8609399, with xz compression would be
> 7884983. Not much of a win, and i doubt it's worth it considering the
> runtime implication.
> However, there is probably room for improvement on the installer side.
> Mike

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