On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:
> The basic problem is prompting the user at all for non-HTTPS since
> that leads them to think they can make an informed decision whereas
> that's very much unclear. So prompting more would just make the
> problem worse.
> We want to get to a place where when we prompt the user on behalf of a
> website we have some certainty who is asking the question (i.e.,

By that logic, we should not permit users to submit forms to non-HTTPS
either.  I agree that if we were designing the web from scratch we
would absolutely require HTTPS for everything, but in reality we have
to make a cost-benefit analysis in each case.  That means analyzing
the threats to our users' privacy or security and deciding whether it
outweighs the user annoyance.  If the prospect of a privacy leak is
implausible or not a big privacy compromise, it doesn't necessarily
outweigh the cost of aggravating users.  I don't think that privacy or
security issues are exempt from cost-benefit analysis like any other
feature or bug fix -- they're unusually important, but still do not
have infinite value.

In this specific case, it seems that the usual candidates for MITMing
(compromised Wi-Fi, malicious ISP) will already know the user's
approximate location, because they're the ones who set up the Internet
connection, and Wi-Fi has limited range.  What exactly is the scenario
we're worried about here?
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