On 2016-10-22 10:16 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> On 10/22/16 9:38 AM, Richard Barnes wrote:
>> I'm not picky about how exactly we turn this off, as long as the
>> functionality goes away.  Chrome and Safari both immediately call the
>> error
>> handler with the same error as if the user had denied permission.  We
>> could
>> do that too, it would just be a little more code.
> Uh...  What does the spec say to do?

It seems like the geolocation spec just says the failure callback needs
to be called when permission is defined, with the PERMISSION_DENIED
code, but doesn't mention anything about non-secure contexts.  The
permissions spec explicitly says that geolocation *is* allowed in
non-secure contexts <https://w3c.github.io/permissions/#geolocation>.
The most relevant thing I can find is
<https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/#legacy-example>, which
is an implementation consideration.  But as far as I can tell, this is
not spec'ed.

> Your intent, and the whole "sites that would break are already broken"
> thing sounded like we were going to match Chrome and Safari behavior; if
> that was not the plan you really needed to explicitly say so!

Yes, indeed.  It seems that making Navigator.geolocation [SecureContext]
is incompatible with their implementation.

> We certainly should not be shipping anything that will change behavior
> here to something _different_ from what Chrome and Safari are shipping,
> assuming they are shipping compatible things.  Again, what does the spec
> say to do?
> -Boris
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