On 24.07.2017 20:43, Kearwood  Kip  Gilbert wrote:
Please note that disabling the Device Orientation API will also
effectively disable the “WebVR Polyfill”.  The “WebVR Polyfill” is a
javascript library that allows browser that otherwise don’t support VR
(ie, Fennec) to use “Cardboard” VR holders to create simple VR

Am I the only one here still remembering that web-browsers used
to be HTTP clients w/ hypertext display ?

The whole VR stuff might be nice for some niches (eg. CAD stuff, etc),
but I wonder what that got to do w/ hypertext ...

A non-VR use case that affects 90% of users is the “magic window”
effects.  These are most commonly used by sites such as Facebook to give
some degree of freedom in viewing a 360 panorama video or photo by
moving the phone around.

A website (especially FB) getting device positioning information
delivered by the browser - that is *really* scary!

The wireless tracking (even w/o gps) already is a massive problem,
we need to care about (not a browser topic), the situation is already
worse than in the previous socialist regimes. We shouldn't make that
even worse.

Combined with media capture API’s the orientation API is also essential
for implementing things like “Google Goggle” or Yelp’s Monocle on the
web platform.

Sorry, but these kind misfeatures are a total security nightmare,
way beyond the red line. Bad enought the people collaborate w/ mass
sourveillance by using games like pokemon go (which, IMHO should be
prohibited). But infecting browers with that is magnitudes worse.


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