On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 6:10 PM Gijs Kruitbosch <gijskruitbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can someone elaborate on what this means for debugging on Windows, and
> for our onboarding story on Windows?

At least in terms of stepping through, examining variables, etc.,
clang-cl is on par with MSVC.  If there are specific, stop-the-presses
cases that MSVC handles better than clang-cl...that's part of this
thread's reason for existence: for people to speak up about issues.

I can't speak to your debugging experience today, though; perhaps
somebody with more experience on Windows can chime in.  And the docs
should be modernized, as you note.  e10s and the relative inability of
debuggers to handle multi-process debugging well means the debugging
experience has gotten worse everywhere, and it would be worth thinking
about ways that we could address e10s issues as well.

> We're already making
> people install MSVS to get the relevant Windows SDKs (manually, not
> supported via ./mach bootstrap, and hopefully ticking the right boxes in
> the installer or they have to do it again until they do win at
> checkbox-golfing), and now we're telling them that although we just made
> them download multiple gigs of stuff and install a pile of MS C++
> compiler infrastructure on their machine, we can't actually use that and
> they need to download *another* C++ compiler to actually build/debug
> Firefox?

clang-cl is installed as part of `mach boostrap`, and configure will
automatically find clang-cl in the location bootstrap places it,
without any fuss on the user's part.

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