I don't think its much burden, but when we have code complexity it can add
up with a matter of "how useful is this really.." Even if maintenance
burden is low it is still a tradeoff. I'm just saying I suspect its
possible to do this, but not sure if it is useful in the end (and I'm not
looking to make the call on that)

~Justin Wood (Callek)

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 1:22 PM Steve Fink <sf...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 01/03/2019 10:07 AM, Justin Wood wrote:
> > on the specific proposal front I can envision us allowing tests to be run
> > on non-pgo builds via triggers (so never by default, but always
> > backfillable/selectable) should someone need to try and bisect an issue
> > that is discovered... I'm not sure if the code maintenance burden is
> worth
> > it for the benefit but I don't hold a strong opinion there.
> Is it a lot of maintenance? We have this for some other jobs
> (linux64-shell-haz is the one I'm most familiar with, but it's a
> standalone job so doesn't have non-toolchain graph dependencies). I get
> quite a bit of value out of the resulting faster hack-try-debug cycles;
> I would imagine it to be at least as useful to have a turnaround time of
> 1 hour for opt vs 2 hours for pgo.
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