On Tue, 29 Oct 2019 10:54:18 -0700
Paul Walsh via dev-security-policy
<dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> [PW] I agree with your conclusion. But you’re commenting on the wrong
> thing. You snipped my message so much that my comment above is
> without context. You snipped it in a way that a reader will think I’m
> asking about the old visual indicators for identity - I’m not. I
> asked Wayne if he thinks the new Firefox visual indicator for
> tracking is unnecessary. 

I see, with this explanation your post makes more sense but now seems
dreadfully off-topic.

Firefox added positive visual indicators for a variety of things in
recent years, such as audio playback, webcam and location, but those
would seem equally irrelevant to a discussion about the EV

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