I've always liked the idea of standu.ps with the IRC bot reporting.

Large tasks may become tricky with standups. AIUI you ping the
standups bot when you finish a task, but for long running tasks (large
PRs, etc) you can't do this so easily. With statusupdates I just add
an entry "worked more on X", with standups this might become
cluttered. But this is minor, and probably could be fixed by being
more descriptive of the subtasks.

-Manish Goregaokar

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 9:37 PM, Lars Bergstrom <larsb...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I've noticed that while some people are still submitting their weekly
> status updates on http://statusupdates.dev.mozaws.net/ (thank you!),
> it's both not everybody and we're missing a bunch of the more active
> community members who might like to highlight their work.
> I'd love to either get that moving again or move to something that
> people like more (e.g., edunham suggested http://standu.ps/ ).
> I find this really useful on the team so that we all know what each
> other are working on, especially since we cancelled the weekly
> meeting. It's also included externally in "This Week in Servo" so
> others get a sense for what's in progress but not yet landing.
> Finally, internally it's helpful for people funding the project to
> have a general sense for what everybody's doing without having to ask
> myself or Jack :-)
> Opinions? I'm also open to pushback here that status reporting is too
> much work and larsberg should just be scraping scraping harder on
> GitHub.
> Thanks,
> - Lars
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