I second Tim there. Good job !


On 03/13/2015 07:08 PM, Timothy Bish wrote:
On 03/13/2015 12:13 PM, Jakub Korab wrote:
Hi All,

In working on a separate project, I found the need to instantiate
multiple different ActiveMQ configurations. Rather than writing up a
lot of different XML configs or messing around with assembling
BrokerService instances, I wrote a DSL that mimics the ActiveMQ config
schema via a directed builder pattern, much like Camel. Here's an

BrokerContext context = new

            .transportConnector("openwire", "tcp://").end()


Unlike Camel, the DSL itself defines a model that is used to
instantiate a BrokerService. Camel has an intermediate set of VOs
(org.apache.camel.model) between the Java DSL and the implementation.
I had a go at generating a similar model via JAXB from the ActiveMQ
schema, to abstract away the DSL/XBean config, but the generated
classes were hideous and I abandoned the approach.

I also developed a testing DSL for JUnit that allows you to spin up
these configurations, and rely on the JUnit runner to start up and
shut down the broker. The test DSL also allows for the definition of
proxies (using the ActiveMQ SocketProxy class) to easily simulate
network outages.

A full writeup and source code are available at


As it stands, the DSL is a work in progress that supports my own code,
but I think it would be useful as something provided by ActiveMQ
itself. I would like to contribute what I have written so far, and
develop it further (perhaps cleaning up a bunch of ActiveMQ tests to
use it in an "eating your own dogfood" way). I was initially thinking
that it could be part of activemq-broker in the src/test tree, and
once it gets fleshed out, moved to src/main. The set of config options
in ActiveMQ is huge, and retrofitting tests would be an ideal way of
evolving it and validating that everything works before making it public.

I think that this is something that would be useful, as I have seen
ActiveMQ deployments where the broker was defined in Java. This is
particularly useful where there are is a broker network with a bunch
of network connectors from a broker, each with dynamically or
statically included or excluded destinations, used in conjuction with
composite destinations to route messages in "just the right way". That
sort of thing is much better expressed in code rather than huge slabs
of XML.

What do you think? Is this something that would be worthwhile to have
in ActiveMQ?


Cool stuff, definitely seems like something we ought to consider adding.

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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