
I'm happy to contribute where I can as I do on many other projects. My
recent works on AMQ has been around the broker and CCP client, I don't
mean to limit where I contribute, those have just been where I've been

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 2:24 PM Robbie Gemmell <robbie.gemm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I see Justin as noting the minimal activity around these bits and
> trying to illicit some clearer idea of the people actually still
> intending to help maintain them going forward, in part as a means of
> gauging whether its worth updating the site content for them. A thread
> on dev@ specifically discussing their status seems the best way to do
> that to me.
> Saying you see value in something is not someone saying they will help
> maintain it. There being users is not someone saying they will help
> maintain it. I see one person who might have said they intend to help
> maintain things on the CPP side. Some other people have either said or
> implied they wont be helping maintain them. I've avoided commenting in
> the thread so far as that latter direction includes me.
> While I am commenting though..I think the 'there are users' argument
> goes both ways and its in general nicer to let any users know the
> actual state of things, once established. I believe components that
> are not under active maintenance should be noted that way in some
> fashion so its clear thats true, in case there are actually users
> (nothing is stopping them continuing to use it regardless). If it
> becomes clear thats the case, e.g it seems insuffcient folks actually
> step forward to maintain something, then to me it doesnt seem
> particularly different to the recent commits marking Apollo as
> deprecated, or the LevelDB related stuff being marked deprecated in
> the past as mentioned earlier in the thread.
> I dont think I'd consider a component maintained and releasable
> without a site presence. Linking to old content for docs would be fine
> though.
> Robbie
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 14:20, jgenender <jgenen...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > Justin, what seems to be the problem?  Not everyone follows every thread, so
> > they don't always speak up.  They don't have to.  The JIRA and comments in
> > past threads speak for themselves.  I am simply pointing that out.
> >
> > It seems like you are trying to kill this.  You have had a couple of people
> > say there is value.  If you want to cut the web part of it because its a
> > PITA, thats fine by me.  But the APIs as projects should stay.  If you want
> > to link back to old doc, so be it.
> >
> > -1 from me to removing those code bases.  I am open to leaving them as a
> > sub-project for code only with a nice readme.md.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-Dev-f2368404.html

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