On Wed, 20 Mar 2019 at 15:57, jgenender <jgenen...@apache.org> wrote:
> jgenender wrote
> > Robbie Gemmell wrote
> >>> If you are adamant about a website, then pick up a shovel and
> >>> step up to do it.  Thats an easy way to get commit.
> >>
> >> I've had commit rights for some years now, but thanks for the tip.
> >
> > Interestingly enough, I have never heard of you, but low and behold you
> > are
> > a committer.  I don't see much activity from you for ActiveMQ.  My bad...
> > surprisingly you are a committer of some form here (Artemis?).  Its
> > interesting how the left arm knows nothing about the right arm... which is
> > a
> > shame.
> It was pointed out that you came from QPID, not Artemis and likely under an
> AMQP codebase.  Either way, it doesn't matter and I think its been
> established that there is a contingent of folks willing to move forward.

You are correct that it doesnt matter (and really never did in my
mind) where I came from, but thanks to whoever took time to let Jeff

>  So
> lets all put our feet in the right direction and continue working together
> in a positive manner.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

That is the only direction my feet have been pointing and so I'm happy
to continue that way.


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