Yea test_globals does have some failures, actually depending on how it is run.  
If you are in the `Allura` subdirectory (where there is a setup.cfg file 
present) and run it there, they will pass. That can be quite confusing and is 
not ideal, but that's the way it is currently (it happens because the setup.cfg 
has a nosetests config entry in it - I don't know why a few of the tests only 
pass that way though).

For the emoji list, would it be better to depend on the `emoji` package and 
import the list from there into our extension?  I don't think we want to 
maintain a big list of emoji within Allura if something else can do that 
better.  We would just have to make sure our version of twemoji.min.js supports 
all the emoji in the shortcodes list.  The twemoji.min.js file doesn't have a 
version number in it, but it was added June 2016 so it might need to be updated 
to handle all the unicode emoji that the `emoji` package does?


** [tickets:#6923] Handle github emoji**

**Status:** in-progress
**Milestone:** unreleased
**Labels:** github import 
**Created:** Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:00 PM UTC by Dave Brondsema
**Last Updated:** Thu Oct 18, 2018 05:58 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Emoji (e.g. :+1: thumbs up) are heavily used on some GH projects and would be 
good to carry over during import. However, the images are not licensed for us 
to redistribute  Maybe we 
could use if the mapping is 
straightforward.  We also need to decide if we want an emoji-like feature 
throughout our markdown or handle this just at import.


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