2011/8/14 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knu...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/8/14 Oliver Brinzing <oliver.brinz...@gmx.de>:
>> Hi Johnny,
>>> If I only can read all the text in one module at once, that would do
>>> it just fine. If there is a simple one-liner that reads just one
>>> function or subroutine, that's a bonus, and if I can read a dialogue
>>> that's even better…
>> Have you tried:
>> Sub Test()
>>        Dim oLibs as Object
>>        Dim oLib as Object
>>        Dim sLib as String
>>        Dim mTmp()
>>        Dim i as Integer
>>        Dim s as String
>>        sLib = "Standard"
>>        oLibs = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
>>        If Not oLibs.hasByName(sLib) Then
>>                MsgBox "Error reading " & sLib
>>        EndIf
>>        oLib = oLibs.getByName(sLib)
>>        mTmp() = oLib.getElementNames()
>>        For i = 0 To uBound(mTmp())
>>                s = s + mTmp(i) & Chr(13)
>>        Next i
>>        MsgBox s
>>        MsgBox oLib.getByName(mTmp(0))
>> End Sub
> No, I didn't, but it seems to work for my global macros. I guess I
> need to change the ”oLibs = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries” line for local
> code (macros for the current document only), but to what?
> Regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
> ジョニー・ローゼンバーグ
>> Regards
>> Oliver

Experimented a bit:
Sub Main
        Dim A As String
'       Getting code from the tab ”Spel” in the current document:
        MsgBox A
End Sub

Thanks for your hint!

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
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