Ivan Zhakov in gmane.comp.apache.apr.devel (Thu, 14 May 2020 12:08:26
>Do we really need to keep compatibility code for operating systems
>that are not supported for years just for a few special companies?
>They still can use APR 1.x anyway.
>PS: This topic has been discussed a year ago. Thread: "Supported
>Windows versions for APR 2.0 (was Re: [PATCH] Optimize
>apr_file_info_get(APR_FINFO_SIZE) on Windows)" [1]

Please keep in mind that admins that run a Windows server almost never
comipile Apache (including APR, APR-UTIL and APR-ICONV) themselves. Most
of them rely on prebuilt binaries from other sources. ApacheLounge
(dsw/dsp, Steffen) and ApacheHaus (mak files AFAIK, Gregg) are the most
popular prebuilt Windows suppliers. If you drop dsp support, you will
put a huge burden on people like them.

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