I usually test the result only by looking at the gitbook site.

The adocs files are the files your are supposed to preview anyway.
Andrea Cosentino 
Apache Camel PMC Member
Apache Karaf Committer
Apache Servicemix Committer
Email: ancosen1...@yahoo.com
Twitter: @oscerd2
Github: oscerd

On Friday, October 21, 2016 9:14 AM, "Siano, Stephan" <stephan.si...@sap.com> 
Hi Andrea,

I already tried this. Is there any special trick about the result?

The build copies some files into the node and node_modules folders and copies a 
lot of stuff to target/docs/user-manual  (all adoc files plus the images). 
Furthermore it creates a /target/classes/user-manual folder and a 
camel-website.jar with an index.html file saying:
"If you are seeing this message, it is because the User Manual was not built 
during the Apache Camel build.  To build Apache Camel User Manual you must use 
the maven release profile: mvn clean install -Prelease."

If I try the release profile the build fails, because I do not have gpg 

Are the adocs the files I am supposed to preview or is there another way to 
build HTML out of it?

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Cosentino [mailto:ancosen1...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Freitag, 21. Oktober 2016 08:55
To: Siano, Stephan <stephan.si...@sap.com>; dev@camel.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] HTTP session handling in Camel routes

Hello Stephan,

To preview the docs and all the links just run mvn clean install into 
camel-website folder.

You'll have the Gitbook site running locally :-)
Andrea Cosentino 
Apache Camel PMC Member
Apache Karaf Committer
Apache Servicemix Committer
Email: ancosen1...@yahoo.com
Twitter: @oscerd2
Github: oscerd

On Friday, October 21, 2016 8:11 AM, "Siano, Stephan" <stephan.si...@sap.com> 
Hi Andrea,

Thanks for the clarification. One more question:

What is the recommended way to preview the asciidoc (esepecially the links)?

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Cosentino [mailto:ancosen1...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016 14:52
To: Siano, Stephan <stephan.si...@sap.com>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] HTTP session handling in Camel routes

Hello Stephan,

The idea is to have different docs for each version like Artemis: 


So the different versions won't exist anymore in the same documentation.

This way the situation will become a bit more clear.

For the Http Session docs, usually we put everything at architecture level here:


Then you can add the link in the SUMMARY Asciidoc page.

Andrea Cosentino 
Apache Camel PMC Member
Apache Karaf Committer
Apache Servicemix Committer
Email: ancosen1...@yahoo.com
Twitter: @oscerd2
Github: oscerd

On Thursday, October 20, 2016 2:30 PM, "Siano, Stephan" <stephan.si...@sap.com> 
Hi Andrea,

Thanks for adding the Karaf features  (I actually forgot about that).

I will also add the parameter to the confluence documentation for the component 
(as this is a 2.19.0 feature I guess it will not be that urgent to do that). 
BTW. How is the version information maintained in future? In the confluence 
there are "since 2.19.0" statements in the description for parameters that were 
introduced with later versions. Is this done automatically, or do we leave that 

You propose to add a HTTP session handling page to the confluence and the 
asciidoc. As this does not apply to a single component, I might add a page 
under "Architecture" in confluence. What is the equivalent for that in the 

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Cosentino [mailto:ancosen1...@yahoo.com.INVALID] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016 09:58
To: dev@camel.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] HTTP session handling in Camel routes

Hi Stephan,

For the moment we are trying to maintain docs on both side. So you can create a 
page about Http Session handling on confluence and (if you have time) aligning 
the options.

In future we will leave confluence and will create a new site with automatic 
generated docs from sources. I suggest to add Http Session asciidoc page also 
in the Camel repository.

I aligned the Karaf features related to your commit on CAMEL-10392.

Great work!

Andrea Cosentino 
Apache Camel PMC Member
Apache Karaf Committer
Apache Servicemix Committer
Email: ancosen1...@yahoo.com
Twitter: @oscerd2
Github: oscerd

On Thursday, October 20, 2016 9:09 AM, "Siano, Stephan" <stephan.si...@sap.com> 

The JIRA task is https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-10392 . I have 
just committed the change to the master branch. However, I have some questions 
about the documentation.
The change contains changes to the adoc files contained within the component. 
Does that mean that the component documentation on the website is 
auto-generated at some point in time or do I still have to change the Wiki?

The CookieHandler interface and the two implementations for it are in 
camel-http-common. They contain Javadoc, but the Javadoc for camel-http-common 
is not on the website, so that is somewhat of limited use. What would you 
propose how to document the overall feature?

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Siano, Stephan [mailto:stephan.si...@sap.com] 
Sent: Montag, 17. Oktober 2016 13:09
To: dev@camel.apache.org
Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] HTTP session handling in Camel routes

Hi Claus,

OK, I will create a JIRA task for it and start working. As these are seven 
components to extend (and test), it might take a little time...

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Claus Ibsen [mailto:claus.ib...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Montag, 17. Oktober 2016 12:28
To: dev <dev@camel.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] HTTP session handling in Camel routes


Yeah that would work. The only downside is that camel-http-common has
a dependency on the servlet API which not all the HTTP components are
using. However its just one extra JAR on the classpath.

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Siano, Stephan <stephan.si...@sap.com> wrote:
> Hi Claus,
> Having the interface (and implementations) in camel-http-common makes sense 
> to me. This means that all the components below would have a dependency to 
> camel-http-common. Does this make sense?
> I would implement the support for cookies in the producer endpoints for
> camel-ahc
> camel-cxf
> camel-jetty
> camel-http4
> camel-netty4-http
> camel-restlet
> camel-undertow
> camel-spark-rest does not support producer endpoints
> I don't actually understand how camel-spring-ws handles HTTP protocol 
> headers, so I would like to leave the session handling support in there for 
> someone else (who does understand that component better than me). Anyway the 
> change will be big enough as it is touching so many components (and 
> especially the tests for this are probably different for all these 
> components).
> Is this a way to go?
> Best regards
> Stephan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Claus Ibsen [mailto:claus.ib...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Montag, 17. Oktober 2016 10:08
> To: dev <dev@camel.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] HTTP session handling in Camel routes
> Hi
> I dont think cookie belongs in camel-core, and a better place is
> likely something like camel-http-common.
> And there are other http client components such as camel-nett4-http,
> camel-jetty, camel-undertow as well. And then for REST based there is
> camel-restlet and maybe camel-spark-rest.
> And for WS there is also camel-spring-ws.
> So if anything like cookie is attempted to be something that is a
> cross functionality in http components then you would need to
> implement this in more of them, and not only a limited set.
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 7:24 AM, Siano, Stephan <stephan.si...@sap.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have not received any feedback so far, so I assume that there is at least 
>> nobody strongly against this feature. Maybe I can sketch what I would like 
>> to implement and ask some questions about implementation details.
>> I would create an interface (CamelCookieHandler and two implementation 
>> classes InstanceCookieHandler and ExchangeCookieHandler. The former keeps 
>> the cookie store with its instance, the latter stores them with the Exchange.
>> Furthermore I would extend some HTTP based producer endpoints with a 
>> parameter allowing to set one of these cookie handlers.
>> Questions:
>> 1. The interface goes to package org.apache.camel. Where do the 
>> implementation classes go? org.apache.camel.impl? Someone building a Camel 
>> route is supposed to instantiate these classes.
>> 2. Where do I document the general concept behind this? It's obviously cross 
>> component, so adding it to the component documentation does not make too 
>> much sense. Is the Javadoc for the interface and the implementation classes 
>> sufficient or should I add a Wiki page somewhere else?
>> 3. I would add support for this to the camel-ahc, camel-cxf, and camel-http4 
>> component. Is the camel-http component still alive? Does it make sense to 
>> add it to other components I overlooked?
>> Best regards
>> Stephan
> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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