I agree with Bowen - I find Keyspace easier to communicate with. There are 
plenty of situations where the use of "database" is ambiguous (like "Could you 
help me connect to database x?"), but Keyspace refers to a single thing. I 
think more software is moving towards calling these things "namespaces" (like 
Kubernetes), and while "Keyspaces" is not a term used in this way elsewhere, I 
still find it leads to clearer communication.


> On Apr 4, 2023, at 9:24 AM, Andrés de la Peña <adelap...@apache.org> wrote:
> I think supporting DATABASE is a great idea. 
> It's better aligned with SQL databases, and can save new users one of the 
> first troubles they find. 
> Probably anyone starting to use Cassandra for the first time is going to face 
> the what is a keyspace? question in the first minutes. Saving that to users 
> with a more common name would be a victory for usability IMO.
> On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 16:48, Mike Adamson <madam...@datastax.com 
> <mailto:madam...@datastax.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to propose that we add DATABASE to the CQL grammar as an 
>> alternative to KEYSPACE. 
>> Background: While TABLE was introduced as an alternative for COLUMNFAMILY in 
>> the grammar we have kept KEYSPACE for the container name for a group of 
>> tables. Nearly all traditional SQL databases use DATABASE as the container 
>> name for a group of tables so it would make sense for Cassandra to adopt 
>> this naming as well.
>> KEYSPACE would be kept in the grammar but we would update some logging and 
>> documentation to encourage use of the new name. 
>> Mike Adamson
>> -- 
>>  <https://www.datastax.com/> Mike Adamson
>> Engineering
>> +1 650 389 6000 <tel:16503896000> | datastax.com <https://www.datastax.com/>
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