> Compared to the rigor of our previous major release, this feels rushed and
> timeline-driven rather than anchored in values of quality and data
> integrity.

Yes, it is (unfortunately) time-driven.  But rather than say rushed I would
say incremental.

At the Summit, whatever release we end up with is the release users will
take and play with.
I worry less about what the users think about our alpha and beta
definitions, and more about the end QA of the release they are playing with.

And while we can hope for the best, we should prepare for the worst.
Every vote has a chance of being vetoed.  We cannot count that a new vote
next week will make it through.
Therefore I would rather see this beta1 out, as an improved mitigation over
having only the alpha1.

19011 pushes me to ensure beta2 happens next week, rather than to veto

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