Stephan Michels wrote:

> <map:pipeline>
>  [...]
>  <map:continue type="petshop" id="{1}"/>
>  [...]
> </map:pipeline>

I think it's a potential source of confusion to have "id" attributes which
are not of type ID (i.e. they are not unique identifiers of elements in the
sitemap). Of course, I realise that "id" is just an abbreviation for
"identifier", and that it's purely conventional that "id" attributes are of
type ID, but I think we should respect this very common convention because
doing so will lower the cognitive burden for people learning Cocoon flow.

Similarly, a newbie might expect a "state-id" attribute to be of type IDREF,
which is a mark against it IMHO.

And again, that's why I think "src" would be a poor name for the same
attribute, because an attribute with this name would conventionally contain
a URI.

That's why I'd prefer any other of the alternative names proposed: state,
from, continue, or flow.



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