Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>   Virtual Pipeline Components
>   ---------------------------

+5, the only thing I'm not sure about is the syntax in the sitemap, you

>    <map:generators>
>      <map:generator name="filteredFile">
>        <map:generator type="file"/>
>        <map:transformer type="xslt" src="namespaceFilter.xsl"/>
>      </map:generator>

because in order to work correctly you have to define the file generator
as usual:

<map:generator name="file" src="SOME CLASS"/>

The src of the above statement points to a class where the src attribute of
transformer above points to a file, so wouldn't it be better to write:
>    <map:generators>
>      <map:generator name="filteredFile">
>        <map:generate type="file"/>
>        <map:transform type="xslt" src="namespaceFilter.xsl"/>
>      </map:generator>

and "reuse" the "pipeline syntax". I'm not sure which one is better, but I
really like that you don't propose using a different components section
in the sitemap for Virtual Pipeline Components, map:virtual-generator etc.

One thing missing is passing information from the pipeline to the
For example if you write this pipeline:

<map:generate type="filteredFile" src="afile.xml">
  <map:parameter name="a parameter" value="a value"/>

I assume that the src info and the parameters are passed to the "real"
generator which in this case is the file generator. Is it possible to pass
info to the other components as well, so can I pass a parameter to the
xslt transformer?
I'm not sure if this is needed (or if it's FS); I have not thought about it
but it
immediately came up my mind :)


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