Christian Haul wrote:

On 21.Aug.2003 -- 01:40 PM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

But, if you write
<map:generate type="filteredFile" src="something">

then you can access it automatically as {src} rather than
<map:generate type="filteredFile">
<map:parameter name="src" value="something"/>

We *will* regret this at some point. Don't handle @src different from all other parameters. IOW we should pass everything using the map:parameter syntax.

We haven't done it with resources. We shouldn't do it here.

But resources don't have a "src" attribute while generators and transformer do.

Imagine that "filteredFile" above is actually defined as "file" in the top-level sitemap because you want to *globally* change the "file" generator inherited by subsitemaps.

Will this require to modify all of these sitemaps because the "file" generator is now a virtual generator ? That's not viable. This is why virtual components must be used using the *same* syntax as normal ones. And "src" beeing part of this syntax, this is why we need a way to pass it to the virtual component.

Now this changes nothing for resources, which never had that "src" attributes and won't have it because of the introduction of virtual components.


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Orixo, the opensource XML business alliance  -

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